This is a concept website designed to be a stepping stone for children and teenagers,to help them in making education fun and help them further their interest in learning as well as making learning fun. The website is not close to being completed,though it does have certain sections that can be used, yet this is just a basic layout of what the actual website's design and information will consist of.The site was inspired by my will to make my nephews and niece future a better horizon,so that they can develop an interest in learning and furthering their education. Unfortunately I have not been keeping up with it too much and is still an un-finished project, yet I still plan to develop it to higher heights and be able to assist them even as teenagers. What makes my website different than the one's that already exist is that my website will focus on new ways to induce education in more appealing way taking into consideration the ages and context. Unlike most educational website which are boring though informative, my website will break barriers by developing a new style and technique of teaching. I'm not a teacher nor do I want be, but I do appreciate learning and facilitating lessons yet, as a student that likes to learn I give and take from the process of learning experiences that I have encountered and create ways to facilitate lessons to myself which in occasion of conversation to those whom I explain certain subjects find it easy to understand what I'm talking about. In the words of Eistein "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." in my words " Innovate with technology,but don't let it do all the work for you."
Foot Notes:
This is a site that is a branch from SENTIMENTSEXPRESSED the business that I am trying to raise from the ground up. SENTIMENTSEXPRESSED is an Interdisciplinary knowledge based business.